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7 Best Tomato Plants for Your Garden

    If you are considering growing tomatoes in your garden, selecting the right tomato plant is crucial to the success of your garden. With so many cultivars available, it can be challenging to decide which ones to cultivate. In this article, we will explore the top seven best tomato plants that you should consider growing in your garden. These plants are renowned for their exceptional flavor, productivity, and disease resistance.

    Key Takeaways

    • The right tomato plant selection will ensure a successful harvest.
    • The 7 best tomato plants recommended are chosen for their flavor, productivity, and overall garden success.
    • Consider factors such as taste preference, disease resistance, and size when choosing tomato varieties.
    • Experiment with different tomato varieties to find your favorites.
    • Remember to choose tomato plants that are well-suited to your growing conditions.

    Sungold Tomato Plant

    Sungold cherry tomatoes, One of the best tomato plants

    The Sungold tomato plant is a popular choice among tomato growers. This variety is known for its exceptional flavor and golden-orange fruit. It is often favored for its sweet and tangy taste, which makes it a top-rated tomato plant. If you’re looking for a plant that delivers consistently delicious harvests, the Sungold is an excellent choice.

    One of the best things about the Sungold is that it is remarkably easy to grow. The plant has a vigorous growth habit and is highly productive, making it an ideal choice for gardeners who want to maximize their harvests. Sungold also has a long harvest season, which means you can enjoy this delicious variety throughout the summer.

    In terms of disease resistance, Sungold is reasonably resistant to common tomato diseases, making it a low-maintenance choice that requires minimal fussing. It is also a determinate variety, so it is perfect for gardeners who want to grow tomatoes in containers or smaller spaces.

    Sungold Tomato Plant
    FlavorSweet and tangy
    Growth HabitVigorous
    ProductivityHigh Yielding
    Disease ResistanceReasonably resistant
    Harvest SeasonLong
    Plant TypeDeterminate

    Overall, the Sungold tomato plant is an excellent choice for gardeners who want a delicious and easy-to-grow tomato variety. Its exceptional flavor, consistent harvests, and low-maintenance nature make it a top-rated tomato plant and a popular choice among tomato enthusiasts.

    Super Sweet 100 Tomato Plant

    A Hand holding Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes

    The Super Sweet 100 tomato plant is one of the best tomato cultivars you can grow in your garden. This indeterminate plant produces clusters of small, cherry-sized tomatoes that are bursting with sweet and tangy flavor.

    These vibrant red orbs have a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity that makes them ideal for snacking, adding to salads, or cooking. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, theSuper Sweet 100 is a reliable and productive choice.

    When grown in optimal conditions with plenty of sun and regular watering, a singleSuper Sweet 100 plant can yield up to 1000 tomatoes throughout the growing season. You’ll never run out of these delicious treats!

    Key Features:

    • Cherry-sized tomatoes
    • Sweet and tangy flavor
    • Productive and reliable
    • Clusters of up to 1000 tomatoes per plant
    • Versatile for snacking, salads, and cooking

    Taste Profile:

    The Super Sweet 100 tomato has a complex mix of flavors that make it irresistible to many tomato lovers. With a sweet and juicy taste followed by a pleasantly acidic aftertaste, these tiny tomatoes deliver a burst of flavor that is unmatched by other varieties. The aroma of the Super Sweet 100 is also noteworthy, and it’s a good indicator of when they’re perfectly ripe and ready for harvest.

    Roma Tomato Plant

    Roma Tomatoes

    The Roma tomato plant is a staple in any garden for its meaty texture and rich flavor. This popular variety is perfect for making sauces, pastes, and canning due to its low seed count and firm flesh. Roma tomatoes are oblong-shaped and have a deep red color.

    As one of the best tomato cultivars, the Roma plant is known for its high yields and resistance to disease. These versatile tomatoes can be used for various recipes, such as salads and sandwiches, making them a must-have for any home cook.


    • Meaty texture
    • Rich flavor
    • Low seed count
    • Firm flesh
    • High-yielding
    • Disease-resistant

    Cooking Tips:

    Roma tomatoes are ideal for making sauces and pastes due to their meaty texture and low seed count. When preparing them for cooking, it’s recommended to peel them to remove any tough skin. The tomatoes can be easily peeled by dropping them into boiling water for a few seconds, and then transferring them to ice water immediately. This process helps them to lose their skin quickly without compromising the flesh.

    Complimentary Ingredients:

    Since the Roma tomato plant has a rich flavor and firm flesh, it pairs well with ingredients that can enhance its taste, such as garlic, onions, and fresh herbs like basil and oregano. When using Roma tomatoes for salads, you can combine them with fresh mozzarella and balsamic vinegar for a delicious twist on Caprese salad.

    Quick Fact:

    Did you know that Roma tomatoes originated in Italy? They were first introduced to the United States in the early 1900s, and have since become a popular tomato variety for home gardeners everywhere.

    Plant Roma tomato varieties to enjoy the perfect balance of flavor, yield, and preservation, whether you want to make sauces, pastes or canning.

    Celebrity Tomato Plant

    Celebrity Tomatoes on the vine

    When it comes to choosing the best tomato plants, the Celebrity variety is a popular choice among gardeners. This cultivar is known for its disease resistance, making it a reliable choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners alike. The Celebrity tomato plant produces high yields of medium-sized, round, and juicy tomatoes with a classic tomato flavor.

    This variety matures in approximately 70 days and is easy to grow, making it a great choice for those new to gardening. Celebrity tomatoes thrive in full sun and well-draining soil, with regular watering and fertilization needed for maximum growth and yield.

    Whether you’re looking to add flavorful tomatoes to your salads, sandwiches, or pasta dishes, the Celebrity tomato plant is a fantastic choice. Try growing this popular tomato variety in your garden this season and enjoy the bountiful and delicious harvest it produces.

    Early Girl Tomato Plant

    Early girl tomato plant

    The Early Girl tomato plant is a popular choice among gardeners who want to enjoy an early harvest of juicy tomatoes. This variety produces flavorful, medium-sized fruit with a balanced taste. Early Girls are known for their ability to set fruit in cooler conditions, making them a great option for gardeners in northern climates.

    Early Girl tomato plants are determinate, which means they grow to a certain height and produce fruit all at once. This makes them an ideal choice for gardeners who want to harvest their tomatoes quickly and efficiently.

    The Early Girl tomato plant is easy to grow and requires minimal care. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil. Ensure that the soil is consistently moist and fertilize the plant periodically. Stake or cage the plant to support its growth and keep the fruit off the ground.

    Early Girl Tomato Plant Care Tips:

    • Plant in full sun and well-draining soil
    • Consistently water and fertilize the plant
    • Stake or cage the plant to support growth
    • Harvest when the fruit is firm and fully ripe
    VarietyShapeSizeDays to Maturity
    Early GirlRoundMedium50-62 days

    Growing the Early Girl tomato plant is a great way to enjoy the taste of homegrown tomatoes early in the season. Its ability to produce fruit in cooler conditions, combined with its delicious flavor, makes it a popular choice among gardeners. Try adding the Early Girl to your garden for a bountiful harvest of fresh, juicy tomatoes.

    Black Krim Tomato Plant

    A black krim tomato on the vine

    The Black Krim tomato plant is one of the most unique tomato plants you can cultivate in your garden. This variety stands out for its large, dark, and purplish-black fruit that adds an exotic flair to any meal. When ripe, the Black Krim tomato has a soft texture and an intense, smoky flavor.

    Originating from Russia, this heirloom tomato plant is highly sought after by tomato enthusiasts for its sweet taste with an acidic finish. The fruits of the Black Krim tomato plant grow to be 4-6 inches in diameter, making it a substantial addition to any salad.

    Like most heirloom tomatoes, the Black Krim tomato plant requires a bit more care and attention than other tomato varieties. However, with proper care, you’ll be rewarded with an abundance of flavorful fruit. If you’re looking for a tomato plant that stands out both in appearance and flavor, consider adding the Black Krim to your garden.

    Cherokee Purple Tomato Plant

    Cherokee Purple tomato cut in half

    The Cherokee Purple tomato plant is a unique and delicious variety that has gained popularity among tomato enthusiasts. This heirloom tomato boasts a rich, sweet flavor and a deep, dusky pink color. It’s a standout in both taste and appearance, making it a must-have for any garden.

    Although it takes longer to mature than other tomato plants, the Cherokee Purple is well worth the wait. It offers a delicious and complex flavor and can be enjoyed fresh, in salads, or in sandwiches. The Cherokee Purple is a fantastic option for those who want to try a distinct tomato variety and enjoy its exceptional taste.

    To grow the Cherokee Purple tomato plant successfully, make sure to provide it with ample sunlight, consistently moist soil, and optimal growing conditions. With proper care and attention, you’ll enjoy a bountiful harvest of these tasty tomatoes.

    If you’re looking to expand your tomato garden and try something new, the Cherokee Purple tomato plant is an excellent choice. Its unique flavor profile and striking appearance make it a standout among the best tomato cultivars.

    Choosing the Best Tomato Plants

    When it comes to choosing the best tomato plants for your garden, there are a few factors to consider. By taking the time to evaluate your options based on your personal preferences and growing conditions, you can ensure a successful tomato harvest.

    Taste Preference

    One of the most important factors to consider when selecting tomato plants is taste. Do you prefer sweeter tomatoes, or do you enjoy a more acidic flavor? Some varieties, like the Sweet 100, offer a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, making them a versatile choice for many uses. Others, like the Roma, are ideal for sauces and canning because of their meaty texture and rich flavor.

    Disease Resistance

    Another critical factor to consider is disease resistance. Look for tomato varieties that are resistant to common diseases like blight, which can quickly ruin your tomato crop. The Celebrity tomato plant stands out for its disease resistance, making it an excellent choice for gardeners who are looking to avoid potential problems.

    Size and Time to Maturity

    Consider the size of the tomato plant and the time it will take to mature. If you’re short on space or looking for a shorter growing season, the Early Girl tomato plant is an excellent option. This variety sets fruit in cooler conditions and produces medium-sized tomatoes with a balanced flavor profile. On the other hand, if you’re looking for larger-sized tomatoes, the Black Krim and Cherokee Purple varieties are great options.

    Recommended Tomato Plants

    Based on their taste, disease resistance, size, and time to maturity, the seven best tomato plants to grow in your garden are the Sungold, Sweet 100, Roma, Celebrity, Early Girl, Black Krim, and Cherokee Purple. However, there are plenty of other tomato varieties that can offer exceptional flavor and success in the garden.

    Top Tomato Varieties for Garden Success

    In addition to the seven best tomato plants mentioned earlier, here are some more top tomato varieties that are sure to provide a bountiful harvest and garden success:

    Cherry Tomatoes:

    Sweet MillionSweet and tangy
    Sun SugarSweet and fruity

    Beefsteak Tomatoes:

    BrandywineSweet and earthy
    BeefmasterSweet and juicy

    Paste Tomatoes:

    San MarzanoSweet and tangy
    Amish PasteRich and meaty

    With so many delicious and successful tomato plant choices available, it’s easy to find the perfect varieties to suit your needs. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, experiment with different tomato varieties and discover your favorites for a fruitful and enjoyable growing season.


    Now that you have learned about the top tomato species, it’s time to start planning your tomato garden! Remember to consider factors such as taste preference, disease resistance, and size when selecting the best tomato plants for your particular growing conditions. Whether you choose to cultivate the sweet Sungold, the meaty Roma, or the unique Black Krim, each variety offers something special for your taste buds.

    By experimenting with different tomato cultivars, you can discover your own personal favorites and enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own delicious tomatoes. Remember to care for your tomato plants properly, and you’ll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of juicy and flavorful tomatoes.

    So why wait? Start selecting your top tomato species and planning your garden today. With these top-rated tomato plants, you’re sure to have a successful and delicious tomato season!

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